Monday 29 October 2012

Vegetables madly recruiting!

Here and there something weird happens in the community. Before it was S4T (SWAT4 troll at or on facebook) which went a bit afk nowadays. Now there is a new "project" - an xfire group called Swat4 <<Vegetable Players>>. By pure accident there are always guys from {EPIC}> clan behind these ideas so essential for the goodness of mankind.

Though rules of this honourable group clearly say "to join us you have to chose a vegetable name and use it on community", many non-consumable individuals infiltrated it wearing their usual names. Even worse, also a fruit joined successfully. Shame, shame, shame! This blind recruiting might remind you behaviour of some clans reported here in the past. Help the "vegies" fight the intruders - time to launch your vegetable career is here!