Monday, 28 October 2013

^TF^Clan leader Bazz busted on his own server

^TF^Clan was created only recently, focusing on CO-OP mode and custom maps. They also proclaimed to be strictly against cheating. Unfortunately they were so strict that more clean players were banned unjustly. Yesterday they had their first match in BS mode against pFF and surprisingly, clan leader Bazz got busted with aimbot/wallhack running on his PC. He immediately came up with a story of "someone called max who came through my team speak and injected something onto my computer". UAC logs reveal he had folder "C:\Users\Richard\Desktop\Aimbot\" on his PC, so this story, to put it mildly, can be credible only to the naive.

Recently a new trend emerged of more cheaters caught on TSS than on 1.0/1.1. {KGB} clan had to deal with another cheater in their ranks, this time a recruit called Justice. He was kicked almost immediately.

Clan bOmBeR MasTeRz (tag BM|) recruited a player called AkAHawk (xfire: jjhawky) who was caught on UAC with all possible cheats in his game folder (account 1, account 2, account 3). Noteworthy could be they also recruited two players with cheating history who are also members of pFF clan - Achint and Diablo.

Turkish wierdo BoSS Legend (xfire: vietmusou) was also busted. From time to time he starts some ridiculous clan like NwA, so better avoid him.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Reborn of «|US|»

After the closure of GameSpy, «|US|» clan took a hit and they went into inactivity. Reasons included the fact that many of their active players left the clan due to internal issues. This caused the merging process with {FAB} clan.

But to people's surprise, some of their old players decided to reopen the clan. Currently they have 15 members and although they don't have a server, they will soon have one (according to some players). It will be interesting to see how they will manage to position themselves at the same place they were a year ago.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

"Police station" single-player and CO-OP map released

Map creator SaT released his second piece named Police Station - a new map playable in single player and CO-OP modes on 1.1 version and TSS. Police Station is a multi-storey building with a great number of rooms, suspects and civilians. Big maps tend to be boring but this is not the case. There is a wide variety of different rooms - offices, cells, garage, labs, training rooms and even an interrogation room with one-way mirror. All prepared in great detail and custom textures, same as author's first map The Manor.

Download of both SaT's maps is available at ModDB, StrategyInformer and also in Desrat's SWAT Downloader. Feel free to post a comment if you succeed in this hard-core mission.

Monday, 14 October 2013

||ESA|| to organize final UAC-based VIP tournament

||ESA|| clan will be staging what looks to be the final VIP tournament with UAC3. It will be a clan-based tournament but freelance players can form their own team with friends and take part. The deadline for signing up is the 3rd of November and more information regarding rules and servers can be found here

The tournament will likely coincide with the 3v3 BS tournament by »{CEL}«, though considering it is a different mode there shouldn't be any issues.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

New version of GameTracker server fix released

Since we exclusively informed about GameTracker fix for SWAT4 and TSS servers more than 50 clans have adopted it. However, a bug was discovered which causes the server to appear offline even though it is not. This occurs especially when server is full and persists until restart/map change.

As of today a fix was released by Serge with support of |MYT|BaDTimE. It is available for download with a detailed read-me file. Installation is simple and similar to configuring the standalone version of the original GT fix. Source code is also published here. If you are suffering with the aforementioned bug we do recommend moving to this new version.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Clan War Report (1st September - 30th September)

»Cartel« beat ||ESA|| (8-4)
||ESA|| beat {|4U|} (10-1)
«|PG|» beat ||ESA|| (7-2)

nRs| beat «|PG|» (4-0)
»{CEL}« beat «|PGÖ|» (53-44)
«|PGÖ|» beat MiX| (71-38)
 MiX| beat «|PGÖ|» (226-216)
«|PGÖ|» beat «|PSA|» (403-114)
«|PG|» beat »{CEL}« (210-141)
«|PG|» beat Own (180-56)
«|PG|» beat RoT| (209-206)
»Cartel« beat «|PG|» (257-207)
RoT| beat «|PG|» (181-158)
«|PG|» beat »{CEL}« (298-274)
«|PG|» beat RoT| (267-206)
«|PG|» beat {COL} (285-188)
«|PG|» beat |UNDEAD| (208-136)
«|PG|» beat {COL} (318-141)
«|PG|» beat {COL} (230-170)

JF|| drew <|RP|> (2-2)
»Cartel« beat «|PG|» (5-3)
«|PG|» beat JF|| (8-0)