{FAB} clan announced a merge with Forgotten Soldiers yesterday. While the former is still active with its server being rarely empty despite its high ping, the letter is practically inactive as far as I know. |FS| website is not working anymore and their GameTracker page is quiet as well. Members of the merged clans will use one of the following tags {FAB}Name|FS| or |FFABS|.
Regarding the situation in SWAT4 these days, we might see more similar fusions in the near future.
|DoA|>MaPsTaR (xfire: mapstar87) created a VIP 2.0 mod running on 1.1 server named DoA Vip 2.0 (CTF), The following text will tell you more about it's idea and principles.
The Rules:
Both teams have a VIP, which has to be escorted to exit. Suspects' exit is near swat spawn. The VIP can only escape when the opponent's VIP is arrested. Arrest timer will stop when both VIPs are arrested.
Suspects' VIP is colored in red, Swat's Vip is colored in blue. The mod provides much more tactical options than you had in the normal VIP Mode. You have to rethink all old tactics you used and apply a new teamplay and strategy. Also it is good balanced.
Additional Info:
Spawnpoints and triggers remain the same. So you will see for example in Brewer County Courthouse that Suspect's and Swat's spawnpoint switched already with first respawn, as a vip (=the suspect's vip) is already on first floor.
The suspect's vip has handcuffs, what might be a little advantage for suspects.
The mod is of course completely server sided. You won't have to install/download anything.
Keep in mind that on public servers Rambo Vips could ruin the game for everyone. But such behaviour of vips also spoils the game in the common vip mode.
Note that at least four people must be connected to server to initialize VIP 2.0 mode. With less people, standard VIP mode is running.
Here and there something weird happens in the community. Before it was S4T (SWAT4 troll at swat4troll.webs.com or on facebook) which went a bit afk nowadays. Now there is a new "project" - an xfire group called Swat4 <<Vegetable Players>>. By pure accident there are always guys from {EPIC}> clan behind these ideas so essential for the goodness of mankind.
Though rules of this honourable group clearly say "to join us you have to chose a vegetable name and use it on community", many non-consumable individuals infiltrated it wearing their usual names. Even worse, also a fruit joined successfully. Shame, shame, shame! This blind recruiting might remind you behaviour of some clans reported here in the past. Help the "vegies" fight the intruders - time to launch your vegetable career is here!
UAC3 donations are needed, otherwise this anti-cheat service, so essential for fair SWAT4 gamers will be stopped in November. Reason is, that current amount of donations cannot cover the server costs. This was announced on UAC website.
If you decide to donate, simply click on the icon on UAC website. You can donate using your PayPal account or payment card. If you don't have such account nor card, you can still ask some of your friends or parents to donate - every 1 € counts and I am sure 99% of players can afford this.
Advantages for donators:
donation status and icon in your profile. Let others now that you care about fair play!
no 15-seconds waiting time when joining a match
if your donation is high enough (currently more than 15 €), place in the TOP 25 donations page.
Currently, there are 7 people from SWAT4 community among top donators - two of them being authors of this blog (smelling self-promotion?):
If you are about to say, that UAC3 is here for too long then keep in mind, that for us UAC4 is not needed that much, as the cheat detection rate is around 99% (excluding INI changes, which are caused by flaws in the game architecture). Don't let the cheaters overtake the game and help all with your 1 €.
Clan Name & Tag: Pro Gaming, «|PG|» Primary SWAT Game Mode: VIP Date Clan was founded: 4.8.2012 Past + Current Leader(s): Sonny & Sttus Reason why Leadership changed (if it did change): n/a Major Tournament(s) participated in: n/a Best general out-clan war performance: No special wars, we waited a long time for challenges Clan video link(s): n/a Clan motto: Lol just a phrase wich we use while fooling on TS 3 : "FUCKOPOFME" Clan website: n/a
Long time there has been no interview. Time to correct that. People from 1.0 might not know him very well, but on 1.1 he is a menace to all unfair players. Lads and gents, interview with Jax_51 (xfire: jax51):
1. You are probably the biggest catcher of cheaters in SWAT4 1.1 community. Xfire and YT are full of cheaters' videos with your "Jax 51 watermark". Do you know how many cheaters you have caught in your career?
563 so far, counting only SWAT 4. I started recording cheaters and uploading videos with my brother Neodiffer (Neod), and we did catch a lot, not only in S4. Every 100 cheaters we create a logo for it, check out our hundred videos. We play side by side, and it is easy: when one is distracting the cheater as enemy the other records him.
I started playing in Barricaded Suspect mode, which was full of cheaters. Then I started playing VIP Mode with Neod in different servers, where there were also many cheaters, but was easy to catch them together.
KL VIP Tournament:
[Group A] [KL (#1) vs DoK] [7-1]
[Group B] [JF vs SoH (#2)] [7-1]
[Group C] [WM vs FoX] [7-0]
[Group C] [WM vs Wafers (no show)] [8-0]
NOTE: WM and FoX are qualified to next stage
nRs vs Invincible 18/10/2012 - WON
nRs vs invincible 19/10/2012 - WON
nRs vs WestCoast 20/10/2012 - WON
nRs vs wtF^ 20/10/2012 - WON
nRs vs WTF 16/10/2012 WON
nRs vs qRage 21/10/2012 LOSE
nRs vs invincible 21/10/2012 - WON
{SWT} Vs Wtf [19/10/12] (Won)
{SWT} vs inF| 20.10.2012 LOST (totally raped)
{SWT} vs RUS1l[20.10.2012] (lose)
<RUS1> vs {SWT} lol (lost)
{SWT} Vs Penis| [17/10/12] (Won)
{SWT} vs ILFSl [10.16.2012] (Won)
PGO vs wtF^ - 16.10.2012r. LOST
WestCoast vs KOA 15.10.2012 (Won)
«}SΛS{» vs »)F4S(« won
«}SAS{» Vs. P3R won
«}SΛS{» vs »)X7(« lost
«}SΛS{» vs »)F4S(« won
«}SΛS{» vs FC won
«}SAS{» Vs. L4K won
«}SAS{» Vs. F4S won
«}SAS{» Vs. F4s won
qR| vs nRs| 21.10.2012 Won
qR| vs |No1| 17.10.2012 Won
qR| vs game| 16.10.2012 Won
qR| vs Invincible| 16.10.2012 Won
|R4T| Vs {«COL»} won
P3R|» vs |Mx| won
P3R|» vs »)F4S(« won
P3R|» vs {«COL»} won
P3R|» vs Xs)» won
P3R|» vs «{KX}» won
P3R|» vs »)F4S(« won
P3R|» vs »)F4S(« won
P3R Vs {«COL»} won
SWAT4 Server mod, which ensures that every game server running this mod registers itself automatically with the new master server (works on the same principle as original game servers registered themselves with GameSpy). This mod is already released for 1.0/1.1 and TSS, both for servers running GEZ mod 22 and MarkMod 13. Get version for your game server here. Note that even with this mod version you cannot register your server on GameTracker.
Client side mod for 1.0/1.1 and TSS, which connects your in-game server
browser to the new master server instead of the original GameSpy. This
mod has been just released, check its functionality in the attached
video and proceed to download link - this must be done by all players
individually. There are some minor bugs, like ping sorting in
alphabetical order, but anyway, some people might prefer this solution
as it is most similar to original server list. Warning: this client mod contains also features of ACM mod (round timer, different admin menu...). If you don't wish do use them as well, check also this article to install only the desired server browser without additional ACM features.
The family of currently "running" BS tournaments has a new child. Apart from highly donated swat4tournament.com and only Polish polski-turniej.aaf.pl there is a new attempt at european-tournament.aaf.pl. It is no secret that BS tournaments suffer from lack of interest shown by signed teams. Probably because BS players think how PRO they are and after first loss they simply run away.
So will this tournament be different? I will eat my sting grenade if it will. Looking at the website you can see the following:
need of registration to see forum content - always a very bad idea
stating non-existent UAC id in registration topic of organizers' team!
vague rules and information in general
terrible, but really terrible level of English shown by organisers. Quotation from rules illustrates what I mean. How many of the following rules do you understand?
- Resp obligatorily 3 sek
- 4X15 maps to choose from
- Uac obligatorily
- only 2 players for the recording
- bug games is coming off
- to championships we are arranging the forum or xfire
People behind this tournament are Uno, Urwis and Jeremih. I don't know them, maybe they will surprise with their organising skills. But from what I've seen by now I am far from believing that this tourno will even start.
I knew there was a bug on both stairways in Red Library map allowing you to jump over the fence. But I've never been successful in attempts to do the same on balcony. And I've always wanted so much :) Having the same wish? Check this vid:
In case this was nothing new to you, here are two bonus videos with funny SWAT4 bugs.
Clan Name & Tag: Guardian Angels, {|GA|}
Primary SWAT Game Mode: BS 1.0
Date Clan was founded: 4.3.2012
Past + Current Leader(s): Alexi (Founder), Dida & Chris (Past); Alexi & Dida (current)
Reason why Leadership changed (if it did change): Chris left to help another clan
Major Tournament(s) participated in: n/a
Best general out-clan war performance: Our first VIP + BS Funwar versus {BoS} clan -> 6-1 + 181:154
Clan video link(s): Made by Sandra, really extremely old.
Clan motto: Reputation means nothing to us, we get out there and have fun, we don't need pro players to be a clan.
Clan website: clan-angels.ucoz.com
Internal discussion in {SWT} related to one of high-rank members Catherine caught on UAC is now over. With 11 votes for kicking her and 15 to let her be in clan, she remains unpunished. Let's have a look at the following quotation taken from the interview with Sonia alias {SWT}LoveMonkey made for our blog 3 months ago:
Q: If one of your friends was caught on UAC, would you do what most
seem to do and give them a second chance (with a clean second account)?
A: I wouldn't
give second chance because I think that sends the wrong message, if you
ban a cheater then you must ban all cheaters even if they are your
friends because if you don't it will send the message of "We hate
cheating and we ban cheaters but if it's a friend he gets 2nd chance" :/
doesn't sound right or fair to me.
I would ban but still be friends xD if he still wants be my friend after that's another story xD
The gap between that opinion and today's reality is huge. But first of all it is Catherine (or as she says her cousin) who placed Sonia in this unpleasant situation.
Last weeks are very poor regarding new UAC cheaters, most probably also due to GameSpy issues. The only busted guy was «|SoH|»Tyrek caught with radar file in his game directory. He was also on roster of «|SoH|» Team 1 in the current KL VIP tournament, so as the rules imply, he is not anymore. As the cheater claimed he was caught for ACM so let me repeat: ACM is not seen as cheat by UAC3 (though many share opinion it should be). Once again cheater was also a liar. Tyrek was first kicked from the clan but then he was given back his admin status. Later that day he was kicked and banned again (as seen in his website profile). What comes next?
won |G3| vs nRs| >>DETAILS<<<
nRs vs wtF 13/10/2012 - WON
nRs vs wtF 9/10/2012 - LOSE
nRs vs SeaL 8/12/2012 - WON
nRs vs Russ16 11/10/2012 - WON
nRs vs wtF 08/10/2012 - WON
nRs vs wtF 11/10/2012 - LOSE
nRs vs RB 13/10/2012 - WON
nRs vs WTF 13/10/2012 - WON
nRs vs Invincible 14/10/212 - WON
PGO vs nRs| - 08.10.2012r. won
PGO vs MiX| - 12.10.2012r. won
PGO vs wtF^ - 09.10.2012r. to be continued
PGO vs MiX| - 10.10.2012r. won
PGO vs k1x| - 13.10.2012r. won
PGO vs Ponczek| - 13.10.2012r. won
PGO vs wtF^ - 14.10.2012r. won
PGO vs 717| - 14.10.2012r. won
PGO vs ||KOA|| - 14.10.2012r. won
PGO vs >ThC| - 09.10.2012r. won
PGO vs |ThC| - 14.10.2012r. won
DExUS (author of e.g. UAC3 and S4CTG) expressly released his own program replacing the original GameSpy server list to help SWAT4 community he once belonged to. In my opinion, it's the best option program seen so far, in some aspects even better than original server browser.
Basic idea is similar to the alternative made by Desrat - you run the app with list of servers, click on the chosen one and you play. What makes it different is:
GUI (visual). Check the screen below, I bet you find it familiar.
Features of the original server browser - Filters, Direct IP, Refresh and Join
support for all basic versions of SWAT 1.0, 1.1 and TSS. You just choose a server and this tool launches the correct version. No more need to have 3 icons on desktop, or thinking which version you had to launch when you see your mate playing on some server. Not even xfire can do this!
ability to add your own servers
automatic updates
images of standard maps
waiting for a free slot (tick JOIN column on full server and you will be automatically connected when there is a free slot)
Viewing online players on chosen server (since 1.02)
Ability to set your in-game name prior to joining (since 1.05)
You can search for a player (Filters->Find player). First player whose name contains the defined string will be searched (since 1.12)
SWAT3-like lobby chat was added (since 1.16)
Before joining a server, the program prompts you to choose path to the game executable (once you choose this information is stored, no need to do that again). Be careful to choose the correct path for each version. You can change paths also later, via Options button.
list is not very big atm, but it's up to you out there to add more
server. Note that when adding server in standard way you shall use query
post, not join port. When using Quick add feature, you shall use join
port. However this works only for server with standard port settings.
If you freeze while connecting to a server, tell server administrator to change bLan=True in SwatGUIState.ini
Note that you cannot have your 1.0 and 1.1
Content folder placed in the same directory. This causes, that everytime
only version 1.1 is launched
GameTracker list is getting shorter each day - it is reported that when a server is fully restarted, it won't be recognized by GT any more, so maybe soon there will be no SWAT servers left in this list. Very similar situation is with Qtracker - now it contains only 35 servers. That's the bad news.
Better is, that the MP gaming is living on. As you can see from our poll, xfire joining and using direct IP are most popular ways of joining servers. Server list in Swat Downloader is working again, after it was showing message "Could not open request" yesterday. As the author Desrat said:
"webrequest was timing out - increased to 60 seconds (from 20) - app is now resizable. Some duplicate entries seem to have crept in, will look at addressing that next."
Markieboy and DExUS are both working on their own server list substitutes. You can check progress at forum.markmods.com and dexus5.com. And there is also a brand new tactical FPS game being developed, article coming soon, but many of you already heard about it.
S4N will now focus back also on other topics, we must simply go on. But you won't miss any hot news related to this problem.
P.S.: there is nothing to write about in UAC watch. Someone should sacrifice and get busted. Any help from younger brothers, cousins, neighbours and home pets in this matter is appreciated.
Yesterday we introduced Qtracker - a tool to see SWAT4 server list. It's main disadvantage was the unknown way to add servers to the list. In comment we received info from the author of
Swat Downloader application. This program has long history as a tool for easier download of misc stuff - SP and MP maps, mods, skins, etc. The list is really huge. But now let's focus on newly implemented feature that is most interesting at the moment - server list.
EDIT: this feature was later removed to support other server list solutions. The following text is no longer valid.
Looking at the picture, the list contains the most important things, similar to GameSpy list. There is an option to View details of server (incl. online players), join selected server, and most importantly - add your own server. I have tried it by specifing IP, join and query ports and it works nicely, ofc server must be running.
Alternative to join SWAT4 server due to problems described in the previous article is an application named Qtracker (thx to {SoE}Mirta for link). Download is available here.
After installation choose SWAT4 from the game list. Then click Servers->Find Internet Games (I have to do this after every start but maybe there is a setting to do that automatically). Servers are then loaded from the Qtracker master list which contains 41 servers currently. It remains a mystery to me, how can servers be added to this list. If you know, share it with us please as when I try going to Qtracker forum, it says my IP is banned for spamming.
You can connect to the server of your liking directly from the application. Though this tool is no longer in development with the last version released back in 2010, it is the best alternative to GameSpy I have seen so far.
Hint: if your server name is not displayed correctly, change or remove the color code before the string that was omitted.
SWAT4 community was severely hit this week. GameSpy service, that is necessary to use the in-game server viewer in all game versions has stopped working for this game. Though there are alternative ways to query and join servers, this is the default one used by most users. Same thing has occurred several times in the past, with breaks lasting up to couple of days. We cannot be sure if this time it's for good, as there is probably no official reaction on whether it is a temporary technical problem or the real end of support for SWAT4. Hype in the community has started and there are several initiatives related to this issue.
Petition is running at this website with the aim to achieve 1000 petitioners. The goal is close but what happens then is pretty likely nothing at all.
An xfire group was created by {KL}Stasek with the aim to make list of servers so you can easily join them using xfire. You can find it at swat4members. However the group has a limit of 30 servers so this work-around will not be perfect. Creating more groups, for each game version (or even game mode) would solve this, but comfort of such solution is poor.
As another option, you can use GameTracker list of SWAT4 servers to check which are online. As you can see, only less then 40 servers remained alive. It seems, that servers running MarkMod are not working at all. Some other servers were stopped as their managers find them not worthwhile to run while this problem remains.
If you got more info or ideas, pls share. But do not post anything that is not 100% sure, as I have read plenty of such texts elsewhere.
KL VIP Tournament:
won RUS1 vs DoK 5-2 (approved)
won JF vs SoH 8-0 (approved)
won JF vs IST 8-0 (approved)
won FoX vs Wafers 6-2 (rematch - approved)
won qR vs TWT 7-1 (approved)
won »)F4§(« vs >|ML|< DETAILS
won »}F4§{« VS »}X7{« DETAILS
won »)F4§(« vs »}SAS{« DETAILS
won »)₣4§(« Vs «((SOT))» DETAILS
won »)F4§(« vs PER|» DETAILS
lost PGO vs RUS1 (-13)
won PGO vs Red|| (+154)
won PGO vs QtX| (+42)
lost PGO vs qR| (-140)
lost PGO vs <|OPP|> (-42)
lost PGO vs SaD| (-109)
lost PGO vs <|Seal|> (-24)
won PGO vs wtF^ (+61)
won PGO vs ||KOA|| (+58)
won PGO vs vIRUS| (+58)
lost PGO vs SN| (-2)
won PGO vs vIRUS| (+44)
lost PGO vs <|OPP|> (-4)
won |R4T| vs »))SOT((« DETAILS
won |R4T| Vs {«COL»} DETAILS
won |R4T| vs FAS DETAILS
won |R4T| Vs »)F4S(« DETAILS
won «}SΛS{» vs L4K DETAILS
won «}SΛS{» vs X7 DEAILS
won «}SAS{» Vs. x7 DETILS
won JF! vs |»DFX«| DOK|» / DOK|» + Wujek |»DFX«| 7:1
lost JF! vs (MG) / (MG) 3:5
won JF! vs (MG) / (MG) 7:1
Clan Name & Tag: Forever United, {|4U|}
Primary SWAT Game Mode: VIP 1.0
Date Clan was founded: 2012-02-17
Past + Current Leader(s): JoJo and Dr_Home (current), GioGio (past)
Reason why Leadership changed (if it did change): GioGio went afk
Major Tournament(s) participated in:
Best general out-clan war performance: VIP match against «|SoH|» -8:0
Clan video link(s): Coming soon
Clan motto: Forever United
Clan website: 4uclan.net
Starting with UAC catches, the most interesting was a tripple catch of player using name Cagliari (link, link, link). What's important, that all these cheaters are linked to account used by {SWT}Catherine, one of high-rank members of this well-known clan. SWT is discussing the issue internally, however the time it takes indicates, that she won't be kicked from the clan. If you ask SWT directly, you will get response like this one.
Recently two Turkish players were caught. One of them was using name Charismatic. In the very first match I saw him, |WM|Michal found out he is using WH. He was asked to UAC, but before joining he disconnected and after some long minutes of removing cheats connected in a victorious mood. Couple of days later, truth came out.
Another player pT»Turkey«
(xfire sunnytr) - member of Pt - Professional Team. First I saw him cheating on SWT server some days ago so I told admins, that being in their place I would call him on UAC. They tried, but as usually cheaters do he pretended he did not know what it is (at that time he already had UAC account). But too often cheater means liar. This "skiller" got finally caught today.
Two ||T3||» members were caught cheating Dr_MEGA and PwnzorLord (link). As written in forum, they were kicked from clan.
Lastly, couple of words about French B29 clan. Many of you had fun looking at the picture of one of leaders posted by him on xfire and having proof of using Wallhack on public server. Before, another member Xray was caught with WH/NRC and banned on our RD server. Both cheating affairs happened some time ago - recently I agreed to unban Xray, as he is using UAC now, though I have never did this before. If you check comments in the clan profile here on our blog you can see another ex-cheater joined the clan these days. After all this, all of them cannot be surprised when you call them on UAC after the slightest suspicion.
In case you missed that, we received an information about possibility to bet on the currently running KL VIP tournament. Whole system is explained in website swat4betting.webs.com. Note that S4N team nor KL tournament organizers are in no way linked to this website so we cannot guarantee anything.
If you are a risk-loving person, pay visit to the web and its rules, place your bets and maybe you will become a rich man ;)
First of all, I am very glad to announce that PimpMyGun joined our blogger team. When I asked him for the first time some time ago he refused, but I am really happy he changed his mind now. He will help us with CW update articles, which is a very time consuming job. But Pimp - as usual for him - is doing great. He started since 37th week and you can see an incredible boost in results number, including some matches by exotic Latin america clans. Unfortunately, he says he won't have time to do this for long, so enjoy every report he makes.
More authors are still welcome, I would like to have cca 5 people in team, some more active, some less. You know how to reach us. Especially nice would be someone interested in making interviews as I did not have time for this sort of thing yet.
One more clan - Just Frags! was added to Sponsors page, after ActinD contacted us. Check it out and if you want to exchange logos too, follow his example. Down in Sponsors page is a link with more information on how to become a sponsor together with some S4N banners we would like you to use.
Lastly, we started a new regular topic - Game Hints. Some hints are more, some less known, so don't be disappointed when we publish something you might already know. So far two hint articles have been published, some more are coming soon. Then this topic will be given a separate link in blog menu so you can reach for previous hints more easily.
Some of you might remember my troubles with an Indian player with IP 122.162.*.*. He was busted cheating on our FoX RD server and after he started using my nickname and other players' nicknames and tags to cheat with it and do other nasty things.
I got a report that it might be Maanas (xfire maanas29) but I had no proof until recently when I managed to match the IP with an UAC profile provided by this player for participation in KL VIP tournament. I decided to contact the person on xfire. I told him that I finally know he is behind all the mess and warned him, not to cheat nor identity steal again. Otherwise his name would be revealed and linked with his deeds. Then I deleted him from friendlist as I don't like seeing cheaters in it.
After that I was AFK for almost two weeks. Today, I saw a player with that IP range playing on REVHOSTING server. So I made this video of him:
To be absolutely sure it is Maaanas I asked my friend who had him in xfire list to check, what server is Maanas playing on. And result? Hit!
Our conversation after was short - I banned his range. He did not deny anything, he just said I am racist (if cheaters are a race, then I must agree).
Because Maanas is on IST roster for the KL tournament, I wonder what the reaction of their representatives will be. Also I expect him to continue with name steal so be vigilant about this IP range.
Update: soon after, Maanas connected to revhosting server again with my nick using proxy server. Well, I wish he enjoys playing with 300 ping :P
As you may know, recently, |DWMT| closed due to internal-clan cheating issues.
The founder of DWMT (who was caught by UAC for cheating) has managed to join a polish clan, DFX, under the name "IvE". When being asked whether or not he was in a clan previously, he said "no".
In other news, |DVRS| Clan which was founded Olsen, has been shut down due to activity problems. DVRS was originally formed after Olsen and a few others rebelled against the leaders of WRS at the time and decided to make their own clan. Although Olsen was a leader of WRS, it seems there were some major disagreements which lead to separation.
However, Olsen is now a WRS member and it seems he is settling in well after the problems he had previously faced a couple of years ago.