Monday, 28 July 2014

Tournament update

Two weeks have now elapsed in the GS4 tournament with 5 (and a half) games complete. In Group A, qRage have taken top spot with two comprehensive victories over JF and SoH, while MYT remain close behind after beating SoH and currently holding a 4-2 lead over Cartel, with the 2nd half of that match to be played later. Meanwhile in Group B, ESA and WM reside in the two qualification spots, but Freelancers team pushed the latter very close in the previous game so the group remains wide open. There have been a few server problems lately due to a hacker crashing the tournament servers, but contingencies are in place. The latest, updated group tables can be found here.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014


Clan Name and Tag: Survivors, |SRV|
Primary SWAT Game Mode: BS 1.0
Date Clan was founded: 2007
Past + Current Leader(s): |SRV|Hitman + |SRV|Kinnngg
Reason why Leadership changed (if it did change): Hitman left SWAT4
Major Tournament(s) participated in: GR BS Tournament
Best general out-clan war performance: Dont know
Clan video link(s): Working on it
Clan motto: All for One and One for All

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Groups and schedule drawn for final tourney

10 teams have signed up overall and Group A seems to be the tougher group with Cartel, JF, MYT, qRage and SoH. Group B contains DoK, ESA, Freelancers, WM and TWT. The random group generator video can be viewed here. Information regarding the tournament servers and their respective configurations will be released later in the week. If a clan has a server which is not in use and they are willing to donate it, please leave a comment or write on the tournament portal.